Sunday, November 7, 2010


Haven't Blogged in a while.
minus well catch up, not?
In MS now..
I like having diffrent teachers.
I hate having more kids to make fun of me.
But sometimes I swear I don't Care.
The lord is with me, and so I shall use what he has given me.
He is amazing and he is blessed me in so many ways.
Chris is amazing.
He is so super nice to me. and I can tell that he doesn't want to be my boyfriend
because he loves me with whats in his pants, but whats in his heart. He makes
me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and he loves me for me. My phone is broken, but
ALLTEL is switching over pretty soon anyways.
I had to give my dad my lock code, so I was trying to be a smart allec and change it so he couldn't get on- the problem was I didnt remember what the lock code was that i changed it to. For some reason flys love mee! Wherever I am and theres a fly it lands on me. and then comes back again. this fly now was trying to go up my nose! LOL! we are re-learning how to type in school. it sucks! I like the way i type now! its way faster!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hey, guys!
Trying to pull an all nighter. not too smart, but I cannot sleep for 2 hours now... plus it will be a first!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray that you would touch every single soul that is not yet redeemed.
Give them something to hold onto- you. show them how wonderful, powerful, and AMAZING you are!
Please help Everyone who Has cancer, and knows that their hourglass is down to it's last grains- restore them! Give them faith! rid them of their demons! give the children of abuse a dream- a future, a chance, and help. numb their pains, mental and physical, and let them seek your light.
Stop that gun from shotting. The one that that person is holding to their head. give them hope. Give them Life.
Stop the dealing. Drugs- heal people from their addictions.
CRIME- touch and show everyone who has suffered, is suffering, or is causing anything that has to do with crimes and show them an opposite way of life.

மி ஹார்ட் இஸ் நாட் எ செவ் TOY

Just to let you all know.
It's already been stomped upon,
and sewn..
The thread would keep it toghether,
until another break,
and then it would be gone,
and my life at it's take.

I am tired of being mistreated, unrespected, looked down upon, misunderstood, and inequal. I AM JUST AS GOOD AS THE POPULAR GIRL. this did indead take me many years to find out. Now i want OTHER TO KNOW IT TOO! I am tired of false words and sweet nothings. every breath that you took was a lie. What was your motive? Do you wake up in the morning and ask yourself, "How can I crush Meghan's reputation and ruin her life?" If not, I'd be amazed. I don't know who to trust anymore. I am defenetly not trusting someone based on looks, popularity, or, gender. GUYS- If you have broken me to bitterness, then I pray for you. I have lost my temper, and my life, too many times. They can iscolate you with just a glance, and make you lose everything. mentally and socially. no rebounds. no do overs. no hope.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

SO, my computer broke. end of story.
AFTER LIKE 17 REPAIRS, and 5,000$ later, we come to the end. It's been nice knowing you. Only thing I wish was that i could get my documents back. and pictures. etc. So many songs, books, 'journals', images... oh, well. what do you do?
I have a 'pen pal.' His name is Ricky. :) It's actually kind of cool because we r on the same page with, like, everything! School, bullies, life, relationships. and most importantly, JESUS!! =D
I died my hair 'Frosted brown.' Its more like 'BURNT F'IN BLACK.' I look like a creeper. oh, well. now looks will match my personality.
People ask me why I blog. well, actually, they don't. But I came up with a good answer so lets pretend they do. ^_^
BC no one else will listen. I trust no one else. and yes, I am idiotic, putting it out on the internet, but heck. It's true. It's me. and It will always be a part of me. I am blogging rather then just saving word doc.s because I know that I won't be able to get ahold of them if something goes wrong. And, if you know me, you know that something DOES always go wrong. Way to be optimistic, ey? ;)
I'ma leave you soon. I know- you don't want me to go. (Go along with it, DONT BURST MUH BUBBLE)
OH, b4 I leave, I wanna tell u about someone. That. I. Love.
It's a guy. :) He is like.... ahhhh... just thinking about him gives me butterflies. he makes me smile when Im crying. he is always there. I know he can relate to me. I LOVE HIM.
and he is


cuss words.






WOW, i havent blogged in a while. Ima try and do this fast so excuse punciation and spelling mistakes. :) Camp was fun. Scary, fun, and life changing. IF YOU HAVENT DETICATED YOUR LIFE TO GOD DO IT. HE HAS DONE AMAZING THINGS IN MY LIFE, AND I BET HE CAN DO EVEN MORE IN YOURS. just wanted to say I LOVE YOU. all of you. even the guys... theres alot of loves. this love is just the love where i will not judge you, will not treat you diffrently,. bc the way u treated me. THE BEST DEFENCE? stand up when u fall down. Smile when you r mad. and be nice to those who r mean to you. DO UR OWN THING. the thing i wish i'd have known earlier in life? PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU. thats not the point of life... (to have everyone like you) WHATS IMPORTANT IS THAT U BE U. who is better qualified?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Going off to camp tommorow. I am REALLY excited. I think it will be really good for me not to have internet for a week. Or phones. I am sad, though, that my friends I invited cannot come bc they cannot live w.o their technologies. arg. oh well, time to learn that I cannot change what other ppl think. Oh well. Have to go clean soon. We just stained the table out back, so we can put it on our deck and eat on it. Mom's bugging me to go clean and take a walk with her. ( double arg) oh well. Need some sun anyways.

p.s. no time to do favorites.
soorrry :'(

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm kinda ticked off. @ church today and I didn't agree with a word the 'Father' told us.
One was that we need to pray to saints.
I believe that we pray to GOD and GOD only. ( I think thats putting others b4 him)
Two was that we cannot 'spread' the word of GOD bc That's for preachers to do. Ok, you can see why this is wrong already.
There was a ton of stuff that I didn't agree with, but the worst one of all was:
NO! WAY! you need to work hard, not sin, etc. and TRY to worship him. praise him. Knowing your boss's name does NOT get you into a higher office.

इ लाइव फॉर जेसुस च्रिस्ट!

You wanna know why my blog is untitled? Because there isn't a word to describe it. Describing my blog is describing my life; it can change any second. SO watch your back. You never know when someone might flip your ground. Or shake your world. On the other hand, you never know when it may become better then you ever thought possible. The main thing that I learned here is that you will miss 100% of the shots you dont take. Ok, I will stop speaking metophorically. Or however you spell it. When you get a chance, go for it. What't the worst that can happen? Failing it? Well, thats whats gonna happen if you don't try it. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will be among the stars.
Ok, so thats todays goopy gushy life lesson. On to something else. My computer is broken (AGAIN!) and I have to use my sister's laptop. I mean, I don't have a problem using it, but all my documents of the book, pictures, websites, passwords- etc. are on my computer.
I'm going off to camp on the 19th... which means that I will not be able to blog. I think it will be a good tthing, though. No internet and no phones can only help, no matter how life-shattering it may seem right now.
I have came across a life-changing moment. YOU DON'T NEED MAKE-UP TO LOOK PRETTY. You don't need guys winking across the rooom to you to FEEL beautiful, either. You need yourself, God, and... well, a good hair stylist. =P I didn't wear make-up today (OH! HEAVEN FORBID-) and, yes, I didn't turn as many heads, but I wasn't afraid if my mascara was drooping, or if my eyeliner smudged.
as always,

SOng- SOLO, jason derulo
MOvie- GRease
FOod- lefsa! :)

If I can't sing with my lungs, I'll sing with my heart <3 with my soul, with my mind. I'll sing it for you! xXx ILU JESUS!

amanda bennes-
last time that I checked, God's last name wasn't 'dammit'
:) =) =D xXx

Friday, July 16, 2010

बेक तो मूवी तिमेस!!!

sitting back, upstairs eating licorice... waiting for my family to pick up da pace and get up here to watch 'She's Out Of My League.' I, for some strange reason, Only like a) the NIB licorice or b) the pull-n-peel. To me it has a strange diffrence from the regular kinds.
I was listening to the radio today and heard some people from my church call in and talk about camp. I am so excited! I think that its great that we cannot possese our cell phones, no internet, etc. so we can be with one person and only one person- no distractions- GOD.
God has done some pretty phenominal things in my life. First and foremost, He taght me to spell Phenominal. WORD. No, he has changed me... COMPLETELY, (unfourtenetly, he didn't teach me to spell completly or unfourtenety)
I went to the water park today. Pretty much tanned; listened to music, got bossed around by my friend's friend friend. (That seems complicated...)she NO LIE thought she was a dolphin. Oh, well. AFter she left, my friend and I floated on the lazy river and finally got to talk.
I also woke up earlier today (think 8 am) - and yes, to me that is early. I went to the doctor's office with my dad for a check up. I had to wait in the waiting room for like 2 hrs.. reading GOLFING magazines. ARG.
After that, We went to the eye docs and hooked me up wit some new contacts. not colored, but comfortable.

I ended the night talking to you guys ( =D) and watching this movie. Better run. Love you all!! xXx

NUmber one:
SOng: More like falling in love- Jason Grey
MOvie: IDK... gonna watch avatar. who thinks that will top my list?
COlor: I've been in love with the coral raspberry color lately, but I dont know...