Monday, July 2, 2012


Long time, no see.. Check out my TUMBLR! I write a bunch of shit on there, reblog people, and share my pictures... check out my PINTEREST... some of my dashboards include: Dress to impress (wedding dresses, prom) I WANT.. (wishlist!) Check out my TWITTER to keep updated... Check out my FACEBOOK if you wish to talk to me...

Friday, September 30, 2011

PEOPLES, I need your help!!

SO, THERE'S THIS GUY... and I really like him! BUT, he's a man-whore. He has had about 8 sex partners, and I really feel like that's all he wants from me. I told him I was waiting for marriage, and he proposed to me. I told him that didn't count. Nevertheless, He is super romantic and REALLY sweet! Did I tell you he was hot? HE IS. LIKE KILLER HOT. He doesn't go to my school; he lives a town over. THERES A COUPLE DRAWBACKS; he is FWB (Friends with benefits) with one of his gal-friends he hangs out with. They make out sometimes. He broke up with me over a dare, and when he asked me back out, I said NO because, at the time, I didn't have a very defined area of saying that 'NO, I don't want to have SEX' and I didnt ever want to be in that situation. THE THING IS- he asked me back out. I really really like him, but I'm not sure, because of all the drawbacks. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think!! I NEED IT! Thank you guys a MILLION!
-May Nays! <3

Monday, July 18, 2011


Whats up, seemingly endless Web? Did you know that if you watched every single youtube video on youtube back-to-back, it would take over 200 years? Every minute, 20 hours of content is uploaded. As you can tell, I'm becoming totally obsessed with youtube! I've been watching Davey Wavey today. :) He inspired me to start writting again, even though no one will ever read this.
I had a question today. Is it okay to be mad at God? I've been praying nonstop for a miracle to perside into my parents relationship. Needless to say, nothing is happening. I'm kind of ticked off. I know that he has our best interest in mind, but part of me thinks not. I mean, if he did, why does it hurt so much? I've been trying to trust him, but things keep getting worse. I just don't know when it is going to end. I sure hope it does soon, though.
Starting to use twitter again. Never really did before, though. You should follow me... @MeghanFriese Even though nothing exciting ever happens in my life. Go Figure.
Has anyone else ever googled themselves? I think I'm going to again... Cause its 2:21 and I'm bored.
My dog is getting really annoyed that I am typing. He's all like "Stop it! rub meh belluh!" and such... I feel like eating carmel apples dipped in finely chopped penuted. Dang, I am craving weird things. First Bread and Butter pickles.. now that. Sheesh, makes me wonder what I'm going to crave when I'm preggo, cause people always say they've never craved weirder (is that a word?) things then when they're preggo.
Broke out the violin. I really need to practice so I can learn how to play... I don't really know where my shoulder pad/rest went... or my rossin. I was proud because i actually tuned it by myself.
At Savanna Ridgwya's yesterday. Went out to eat like 4 times...
Yup! She has a really messed up but cool family. I love her aunt and uncle. Brandy and Wayde, I believe. Plus her brother is SUPER hot... But I didn't say that. She was reading my journal during the year and read that i think that he was cute, and she freaked out. Now I have her believing that I think he's weird. But he's sooo hot. I slept in the same room as him... and he was in his boxers xD
Okay, I'm going to attempt to go to sleep. Austin isn't up, so there is no one to talk to or anything. Thats the only reason I stay up sometimes... to talk to him or his cousin. He's the only one up.
What the heck? My mom just called me... and my ringtone is called "Growl" it's like a loud rap/hip hop thing... it scared me, exp. at 2:24 A.M. sheesh... Nighty Night. Love you, "Blog Budies!"
May Nays is in love with Gus Ridgway

Friday, March 25, 2011


I haven't written in, well, a while. A long while. A lot of things have happened to me. I wrote about a lot of it on but most of it is in little dividends on my facebook page, ...
I am not <3 In a relationship <3 with Adam Hoskins, the most beautiful guy on the Planet:)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Haven't Blogged in a while.
minus well catch up, not?
In MS now..
I like having diffrent teachers.
I hate having more kids to make fun of me.
But sometimes I swear I don't Care.
The lord is with me, and so I shall use what he has given me.
He is amazing and he is blessed me in so many ways.
Chris is amazing.
He is so super nice to me. and I can tell that he doesn't want to be my boyfriend
because he loves me with whats in his pants, but whats in his heart. He makes
me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and he loves me for me. My phone is broken, but
ALLTEL is switching over pretty soon anyways.
I had to give my dad my lock code, so I was trying to be a smart allec and change it so he couldn't get on- the problem was I didnt remember what the lock code was that i changed it to. For some reason flys love mee! Wherever I am and theres a fly it lands on me. and then comes back again. this fly now was trying to go up my nose! LOL! we are re-learning how to type in school. it sucks! I like the way i type now! its way faster!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hey, guys!
Trying to pull an all nighter. not too smart, but I cannot sleep for 2 hours now... plus it will be a first!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I pray that you would touch every single soul that is not yet redeemed.
Give them something to hold onto- you. show them how wonderful, powerful, and AMAZING you are!
Please help Everyone who Has cancer, and knows that their hourglass is down to it's last grains- restore them! Give them faith! rid them of their demons! give the children of abuse a dream- a future, a chance, and help. numb their pains, mental and physical, and let them seek your light.
Stop that gun from shotting. The one that that person is holding to their head. give them hope. Give them Life.
Stop the dealing. Drugs- heal people from their addictions.
CRIME- touch and show everyone who has suffered, is suffering, or is causing anything that has to do with crimes and show them an opposite way of life.