Friday, September 30, 2011

PEOPLES, I need your help!!

SO, THERE'S THIS GUY... and I really like him! BUT, he's a man-whore. He has had about 8 sex partners, and I really feel like that's all he wants from me. I told him I was waiting for marriage, and he proposed to me. I told him that didn't count. Nevertheless, He is super romantic and REALLY sweet! Did I tell you he was hot? HE IS. LIKE KILLER HOT. He doesn't go to my school; he lives a town over. THERES A COUPLE DRAWBACKS; he is FWB (Friends with benefits) with one of his gal-friends he hangs out with. They make out sometimes. He broke up with me over a dare, and when he asked me back out, I said NO because, at the time, I didn't have a very defined area of saying that 'NO, I don't want to have SEX' and I didnt ever want to be in that situation. THE THING IS- he asked me back out. I really really like him, but I'm not sure, because of all the drawbacks. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think!! I NEED IT! Thank you guys a MILLION!
-May Nays! <3

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